Orange-red tulips rest in a field of grasses.

The Greenlee Meadow Collection

Explore our award-winning collection of meadow gardening plants specially curated for their natural richness and resilience.

Sunny Groundcover
Shaded Groundcover
Flowering Accents
Meadow Sweeteners
Natural Lawns
Lawn Alternatives
Tall Background
A drift of blooming Agrostis exarata.
Agrostis exarata

Spike Bentgrass

A patch of bright purple Ajuga Ajuga reptans 'Texas Tough.'
Ajuga reptans 'Texas Tough'

Suntough Carpet Bugle

A bright green bloom of Amelichola caudata.
Amelichloa caudata

Chilean Ricegrass

Golden seedheads of Bouteloua gracilis 'Angel Eyelash' in the sun.
Bouteloua gracilis 'Angel Eyelash®'

Angel Eyelash® Blue Grama

The dainty feathered seedheads of Bouteloua repens.
Bouteloua repens

Slender Grama

Two blooming tufts of Calamagrostis 'Little Nootka.'
Calamagrostis 'Little Nootka'

Little Nootka Reed Grass

A large mound of Calamagrostis nutkaensis 'The King' with flower spikes standing straight up.
Calamagrostis nutkaensis 'The King'

The King Pacific Reed Grass

A row of dense Carex pomona mounds.
Carex 'Pomona'

Pomona Hybrid Sedge

A walkable pathway of Carex pansa.
Carex pansa

California Meadow Sedge

An open field of bright green Carex praegracilis.
Carex praegracilis

California Field Sedge

A flowing field of Carex remota.
Carex remota

Remote Sedge

A natural lawn of Carex texensis in front of a house.
Carex texensis

Catlin Sedge

An overhead view of Crassula spathulata's heart-shaped leaves.
Crassula spathulata

Spathula-leaf Crassula

A large drift of sun-dappled Eragrostis intermedia 'Madera Creek.'
Eragrostis intermedia 'Madera Creek'

Madera Creek Lovegrass

The small white flowers of Falkia repens are nestled amongst its dark green.
Falkia repens

Little Ears

A golden arching mound of Festuca mairei.
Festuca mairei

Atlas Fescue

A row of Leymus triticoides 'Lagunita' arches over the top of a stone retaining wall.
Leymus triticoides 'Lagunita®'

Lagunita® Wild Rye

The airey inflorescence of Muhlenbergia 'Pink Flamingo' shimmering in the light.
Muhlenbergia 'Pink Flamingo'

Pink Flamingo Muhly

Erect tufts of Muhlenbergia dubia stand out in a meadow.
Muhlenbergia dubia

Pine Muhly

Tall feathery seed-heads of Muhlenbergia emersleyi 'Madrone' bend in the wind.
Muhlenbergia emersleyi 'Madrone'

Madrone Bull Grass

The light pink feathers of Muhlenbergia sericea glow in the sunlight.
Muhlenbergia sericea

Gulf Muhly

Towering blooms of Muhlenbergia sericea 'White Cloud' shoot out of a meadow.
Muhlenbergia sericea 'White Cloud'

White Awn Muhly

A row of Muhlenbergia sp. mexico arranged in neat tufts.
Muhlenbergia sp. mexico

Giant Deer Grass

A dense mat of dark green Ophiopogon umbraticola.
Ophiopogon umbraticola

Bad Hair Day Mondo Grass

A tall arch of Pennisetum frutescens bends over a meadow pathway.
Pennisetum frutescens

Nekkid Fountain Grass

A mass planting of Pennisetum spathiolatum backlit by sunlight.
Pennisetum spathiolatum

Slender Veldt Grass

Plastic trays of Phyla nodiflora 'Tesla' in bloom.
Phyla nodiflora 'Tesla'

Tesla Lippia

The silky blossoms of Poa arachnifera stand out among a grass meadow.
Poa arachnifera

Texas Bluegrass

A group of young Sesleria brushstrokes clumps border a lawn.
Sesleria 'Brushstrokes'

Brushstrokes Moor Grass

A row of Sesleria 'Greenlee Hybrid' grass shining in the sunlight.
Sesleria 'Greenlee Hybrid'

Greenlee Hybrid Moor Grass

A small meadow of light green Sesleria autumnalis.
Sesleria autumnalis

Autumn Moor Grass

Clumps of Sesleria nitida begin to bloom.
Sesleria nitida

Gray Moor Grass

Dense tan mounds of Spartina bakeri.
Spartina bakeri

Cord Grass

A wall of Sporobolus maximus lines the edge of a garden.
Sporobolus maximus

Giant Dropseed

Tall blonde flower spikes shoot out of a group of Sporobolus wrightii 'Windbreaker' grass.
Sporobolus wrightii 'Windbreaker'

Windbreaker Giant Sacaton Grass

A close up shot of Tradescantia 'Greenlee' with small orange leaves between the foliage.
Tradescantia 'Greenlee'

Pale Puma Spiderwort