Pink, blue, and yellow flowers gently speckle a wispy grass meadow.

Mixed Meadow Garden

San Francisco Peninsula, CA

Project Overview

We have pioneered and evolved our meadow concepts for over 10 years in this amazing mixed meadow garden. The garden was the beginning of our work creating grass ecology that operates as a fabric. Over fifty varieties of grasses are blended together in sites of various topographic exposure on this ridge hillside. With proper species selection and grading, we created roads paved with grass and traffic-tolerant perennials that could support the weight of maintenance vehicles.

For our Mediterranean gardens, water conservation is our goal. The challenge for this garden was to create a beautiful meadow with the most amount of green with the least amount of water. We created depressions in the ground for water harvesting, and appropriately selected plants suitable for this water-scarce environment. Our go-to evergreen and drought-tolerant native groundcover grass for West Coast gardens Leymus triticoides 'Lagunita' creates a beautiful foundation layer for these other flowering grasses. Trails of white flowering accents turn to pink as you move to curated destinations in the garden.

Consulting Services  


Garden Design & Specifications

Plant Sourcing

Installation Supervision

Grading Supervision

Ongoing Maintenance Supervision


Independent Project

Featured Plants

Leymus triticoides Lagunita (Lagunita Creeping Wild Rye)*

Poa arachnifera (Texas Bluegrass)*

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